can't get the hx711 to return stable data

Does that mean you get stable readings if you use an Arduino (which one?) instead of your Wemos?

Also, how are you powering your HX711 when you get the unstable readings with the Wemos?

I have stable readings using custom board with atmega16 and AVR code written in AVR studio.

Are you using a HX711 module with separate analogue (5volt) and digital (3.3volt) supplies.
Most HX711 modules are not meant to be used with 3.3volt processors (some are).

i tried both. nothing changed. take a look at attachments.

"Noise free" is utterly impossible. All sensors have noise.

I disagree that you are having "no success what so ever". There may be more noise in your measurement than you are happy with, but the plot you posted looks normal to me.

Of course it is possible for bad circuit design to lead to excess noise that can be reduced by improving the layout, shielding, connections, grounding, etc. Until you post the details of your circuit, we would all be just guessing.

i know , but the reading fluctuation jumps around too much. when nothing is loaded, it goes from -1 to 1. 2 unit jumps is a little bit too much, no? specially when the accuracy is suppose to be up to 2 to 3 decimal readings.