Cant track a GSM location

i am using a GSM SIM900 module and arduino uno without GPS module.I am unable to track the location of GSM.I have used following code.please post me a code or find the bug

calling_sujan.ino (1.44 KB)

If you haven't got a GPS module how can you get your location?

GSM can also track a location.although it is not accurate like GPS but it can track the GSM tower location

I think you have it backwards.
Towers can track phones.

Tom... :slight_smile:

I can't find the CIPGSMLOC command in the SIM900 command set. It's in the SIM800 one. (Edit - Found it. It's actually in a separate document for the SIM900)

What happens when you print out the results of the command? All you seem to do is send the command and ignore any feedback from the device.

There are several topics on this subject on Google, including links to this site. Do a search for CIPGSMLOC. I will follow this thread with interest.

we are able to track the location in serail monitor but unable to send the location through sms. Here is the code I have used.....

calling_sujan.ino (1.92 KB)

There is a section on communications which has some links to Serial I/O tutorials.

Basically send your command to the SIM device, then wait until you get a response. Then act upon that response. Don't just wait then carry on regardless.