Capturing data from the serial monitor

I've searched for these subjects in the help forums but can't find a reply.

How do I capture output from the serial monitor (on the PC) into a file which I can analyse later?

I could write my own program, but that is error prone and long winded if there is an already existing solution to my problem.


If you just. Eed a bit of data you can copy and paste of course.

When i need a bunch of data i use putty which will log all input to a file.

putty.exe download: - Download PuTTY: latest release (0.78) -

There are other terminal programs too that can capture to file, note that terminal programs can interfere with the IDE and starting one can reset the sketch.

or one could write a script in python, or any other favorite programming language.

GoBetwino can dump data directly into csv files or even Excel sheets.

Thanks all for these suggestions, and Happy New Year!

Any option for a Mac USER??

In window
Hyperterminal-->Transfer---->capture text

Have downloaded gobetwino but can't run the .exe.config file. My pc seems to want to insist on attempting to use word to open the file. Is this a windows 7 bug?

No, it's not a Windows bug. Config files are usually just text. There should be a Gobetwino.exe file too.

You should run the arduino.exe file, the one with the black/yellow icon.

Thanks guys, I now have serial data appearing in the upper gobetwino window, both your replies set me thinking in a different direction, (1) I had previously been running the Arduino serial window which uses the same USB port as gobetwino wants to. So gobetwino reports that it cannot open port 8 even though Arduino is no longer using it.
and (2) the program with the yellow and black icon is labelled gobetwino.exe not arduino.exe but running it has the necessary effect. Thanks again

Arrgh i cant even remember the name of my own creation :astonished:

putty.exe download: - Download PuTTY: latest release (0.81) -

There are other terminal programs too that can capture to file, note that terminal programs can interfere with the IDE and starting one can reset the sketch.

or one could write a script in python, or any other favorite programming language.

This is just what I wanted. Once I have loaded the sketch onto the Arduino I run putty.exe in serial mode (no flow control) and capture the output to a text file of my choice. It DOES reset the Arduino, but that is not a problem because I want to capture all output from the start of the program.

Many thanks for pointing out puTTY to me! And to the author of course.

To those who may not have used it: Note that you download the actual program, not an installation, and the first screen is the configuration screen, then it runs the terminal program.