Hi people that are smarter than me.
I have a question
First some background, I am building a 20 bay 18650 charging desk, and for all intents and purposes it is working well at this point in time.
However I wish to enhance some of its features.
One of those feature includes adding the ability to "Auto" cycle charge discharge without human interaction.
To do this I need to have the ability to bring a individual ground(0v) pulse to the 20 HW586/ZB2L3 discharger modules at the appropriate time.
I do have enough pins "free" on the Mega to do this, but I dont want to "waste" pins unnecessarily. To do this will restrict future expansion as I think of other things I want the desk to do.
So I have opted to use two CD74HC4067 multiplexers and forfeit the 5 pins necessary to do this.
As these chips have a common input, I take it that if I tie this to ground instead of 5v , each selected output of the chip with give a switched Low instead of a switched High.
Now to cascade two of these chips I propose to do the following:-
Parallel the S0-S3 data lines to each chip. So both chips will get the same data, but by using 2 other Mega pins to the enable pins of each mux, I can select which one of the two chips is awake and enabled to receive and act on the data send via the address lines.
As far as I am aware the CD74HC4067 Multiplexer does not have a "cascade" pin to allow it to hand off to the next chip like other Mux's have. This shows you the limited knowledge I have , and the reason for this post to ask for advice.
I would love a 64:1 mux on a breakout board, but to my knowledge not such animal is available.
Thanks for any assistance in advance..