I'm trying to understand the color.HSV and the color565 and color888. A snippet of the code is noted below.
canvas->setCursor(text_x, text_y);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(text); i++) {
// Get 24-bit color for this character, cycling through color wheel
uint32_t color888 = glasses.ColorHSV(65536 * i / strlen(text));
// Remap 24-bit color to '565' color used by Adafruit_GFX
uint16_t color565 = glasses.color565(color888);
canvas->setTextColor(color565); // Set text color
canvas->print(text[i]); // and print one character
The text scrolls across the glasses in multi colours, but I want to change it to a solid colour. I've tried to add some R, G, B and using them instead of the noted above colours, but it does not nothing.
This is the Adafruit glasses with the IS31FL3741 driver board.
Just a guess, but if you assigned a constant value to color565, that should stop the multi-colour effect.
And guess #2, color565 is a colour in the RGB565 format. If you google "RGB565 color picker" you may be able to get the value for the colour you want your text to appear.
I changed canvas->setTextColor(color565); // Set text color
to canvas->setTextColor(B10000); // Set text color
this caused the LED's to be a solid blue. When I tried different ideas in this line, when compiling the code there was a suggestion that the "B10000" could be used. So I changed it a the colour changed to a solid blue.
The blue is the only colour I've been able to figure out. Other letters and number combinations produce an error when compiling.