Im making some esp32 project with ws2812b LED,the ws2812b LED need 5v suplly and esp32 need 3v3 supply,im using a single 3,7v battery for both for esp32 im using lm1117 regulator for 3v3 and for the LED i step up from the battery to 5,3v.
But i don't know that is the best way to do it,could you guys share knowledge or experience to us,what the best thing to do here if we want battery live longer should i use step up?or should i use a higher voltage battery?
I think using a linear regulator for the ESP32 is fine, but you need the right regulator. The HT7333 regulator has a typical dropout voltage of 60mV at 40mA current. The dropout would increase somewhat with current, but it's still a completely different world from the 1117 types. Another good one is the MCP1700. I'm not sure either of them has enough current for a transmitting ESP32, but other very low dropout regulators with higher current are available.
And then for the 5V supply, an MT3608 boost module should work well.
That would let you stick with simple 1S charging. Unless protection is built into your charger, you would want to use protected batteries.