CNC Shield + Servomotor using Z+

Hello Community,
I'm trying to connect a servomotor on Z+ pin of CNC Shield but is not working.
I'm very new with arduino/cnc and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I tried to find the answer on internet but seems that everyone is using GRBL. I will have four stepper motors in my project (X will be duplicated)

This is my code:


const int StepX = 2;
const int DirX = 5;

const int StepY = 3;
const int DirY = 6;

const int StepZ = 4;
const int DirZ = 7;

const int speed= 1300;

int currentStepX =0;
int currentStepY =0;
int currentStepZ =0;

//servo settings 
Servo myservo;
const byte servoPin = 11; // Z+
byte pos = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // for monitor log.
  pinMode( DirZ,OUTPUT);



void loop() {


Thanks in advance,

A RC-servo is not a stepper. You need +5V and GND, too. And make that delay(3000). ANd doublechack if your servo is on pin 11 or 7.

Thanks for your quick reply. Yes, I have +5V and GND from external power supply. I'm sorry that I didn't included it in my image. How can I check if servo is on pin 11 or 7? I used the same code in Arduino uno (without CNC) and servo is working as expected.

What's the pin schematics for the board? I don't have it available at the moment but other helpers have been posting it here in the past.

Yes but as @zwieblum has pointed out

The electronics in the CNC Shield are designed to drive stepping motors, so comes as no surprise that it can not drive servo.

I think that CNC shield should be able to drive also servo motors as we have multiple colleagues on this forum that are doing this, see:
CNC Shield V3 Servo Problem - Using Arduino / Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC - Arduino Forum

Servo motor problem - Using Arduino / Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC - Arduino Forum

DIY Pen Plotter with Automatic Tool Changer | Arduino based CNC Drawing Machine (

CNC Schema
cf988326f7e0baaa42da84e9b4440201e97f966a.jpeg (1500×1500) (

My electronic schema is

Thanks, I uploaded the CNC pin schema if you have time to take a look, I will appreciate

You have to connect servo GND and arduino GND

An absolute mess and not a schematic at all.

Hi @Grumpy_Mike , I made that schema in paint.. consider that C1-C4 modules are busy with steeper motors and I want to connect to Z+ the signal wire (in orange) for a servomotor. I have an external power supplier for + in red and - in brown. I also tried to use CNC shiet for + and - but still is not working. Please let me know if you have any doubts.


as written above: you must connect servo GND to arduino GND

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Thanks you all for your input. Seems that the problem is my power supplier which is too small...

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