Cnc : stepper motors programming

I've a few problem with programming, So I'm using arduino mega 2560 and L298N Drivers (for 3 motors XYZ), I've done every step about grbl installing, and when I'd arrived to Universal G-Code sender I've received the agrement that the grbl works well in my Arduino, comming to the steppers they don't at all work,
Is there any solution for that ? Have you met any similar situation ? If yes what was the solution ?

I am not aware of any version of Grbl that works with the L298 "stepper drivers"*. Grbl works with "step/dir" drivers like A4988 or DRV8825.

What are the specs of your steppers?

*The L298 are DC motor drivers and are not at all suitable for driving modern bipolar steppers.

Even L298N May be able to be used because I could controle steppers with that driver in Arduino ide,, So it can be possible to controle steppers in Universal G-Code sender, I think that it's possible to be precision outputs issu in Arduino

Please post a full schematic of the project.
Post a photo of your wiring.
Post a link to the version of Grbl that you have.
Post a data sheet or specifications of the stepper motors.

Without that information, we cannot help you.

Also, post the sketch that you used with the IDE to make the motors work.

Have you read the how to use this forum-please read sticky. It shows how to properly post code and some advice on how to get the most from the forum.

Even L298N May be able to be used because I could controle steppers with that driver in Arduino ide,, So it can be possible to controle steppers in Universal G-Code sender,

You may have to write write your own alternative the GRBL. I suspect it would be simpler to get the sort of stepper drivers that GRBL supports.
