Code does the opposite of what I programmed. Why?

This is my first Arduino project for a class. I am a little further along with Arduino than a complete Newbie, but still just scratching the surface. I am a teacher, but taking an engineering education class that I'm loving. I have successfully accomplished using an Arduino Uno to turn a fan off and on (with a PowerSwitch Tail II) with input from a AM2302 (DHT211) temperature sensor.

My question is why. I coded the Arduino to turn off and on according to a certain temp threshold, but it works in reverse of what I intended. Here is how I programmed it: if the temp is above the threshold, it turns ON, serendipitously, I reversed the sign and found that it worked. The entire program is below, but this is what is working - but opposite of what I would expect:

if (t < maxTemp) //if sensor value is less than the threshold (originally I had the sign reversed!)
digitalWrite (fanPin, HIGH); //turn fan on
digitalWrite (fanPin, LOW); //turn fan off

I am puzzled as to why it works in reverse. Could it be something in the way I wired it?


// #include "/Users/iLab/Documents/Arduino/arduinosketchlibrary/libraries/DHT/DHT.h"
#include "DHT.h"

#define DHTPIN 2 // what digital pin we're connected to
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302), AM2321

//const int fanPin = A0; //should this pin be a digital only pin?
const int fanPin = 10;
int t = 0;
int maxTemp;

void setup() {
pinMode(fanPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Set pin D13 as an OUTPUT
maxTemp = 70.0;

void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //included the light to make sure program was running
digitalWrite(13, LOW);

t = dht.readTemperature(true); //these lines of code read the sensor and report the results in the serial monitor
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.print(" *F\t");

maxTemp = 70.0; //this is the temperature threshold that determines whether the fan is on or off
delay(3000); //give the sensor 3 seconds to return a value

if (t < maxTemp)
digitalWrite (fanPin, HIGH); //turn fan on
digitalWrite (fanPin, LOW); //turn fan off

You want 2 temperature points to keep from switching the fan on too often, same way that thermostats have 2 set points to not burn up heater starters.

Look up hysteresis. It's also used by digital pins to keep them digital.

Thank you - I wondered about the power switch configuration. My next step is to try to program a proportional controller with it. Wish me luck!

Much appreciation