Code error regarding code that's not in my code?!? "ATTiny85 remote control"

This may be a stupid topic, but I have officially run out of patience. I've been trying to program my Tiny85 to work as a universal remote and I found this code on the forum here that looked like the best chance I had to get it to work:

#include <IRremote.h>

const byte butonPin = 2; //button input
const byte IRPin = 1; // LED output

void setup()
// connect button to ground and input
pinMode(butonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);


void loop()
static bool lastButtonState = HIGH;
bool buttonState = digitalRead(butonPin);
if (buttonState != lastButtonState)
if (buttonState == LOW)
IrSender.sendNEC(0xED12BF40, 0x12, 0);
lastButtonState = buttonState;

The problem is every time I try to verify it, I get this long error message that says:

In file included from C:\Users(name censored)\AppData\Local\Temp.arduinoIDE-unsaved202465-13288-fj09t4.d31u5\sketch_jul5a\sketch_jul5a.ino:1:0:
c:\Users(name censored)\OneDrive - (location censored)\Documents\Arduino\libraries\IRremote\src/IRremote.h: In member function 'bool IRrecv::decode(decode_results*)':
c:\Users(name censored)\OneDrive - (location censored)\Documents\Arduino\libraries\IRremote\src/IRremote.h:32:9: error: 'Serial' was not declared in this scope
c:\Users(name censored)\OneDrive - (location censored)\Documents\Arduino\libraries\IRremote\src/IRremote.h:32:9: note: suggested alternative: 'Stream'

exit status 1

Compilation error: exit status 1

Call me crazy or stupid, but I don't see 'Serial' anywhere in the code, so I don't know what correction I need to make. I apologize if the answer is super clear. All I ask is at least for some guidance on what I need to do. Thank you for putting up with my problem.

The error message tells you the name of the file "IRremote.h", the line (32) and the column (9).

The IRremote library has a newer 3.0 version

The library you are using also uses "serial", so you need to have the reference in your code. So just add to your code as if you are going to serial.Print() something.

Any non-ascii characters in that censored name? I know that IDE 2.x does not like it, not sure about IDE 1.x.

Thank you for your suggestion. Could you tell me an example of what you mean by adding the code as if I'm going to serial.Print() something? I apologize if this is stupid obvious.

Look at some of the example programs that come as part of your Arduino IDE. I have not counted them, but suspect every one uses the serial.Print() to display at least one message.

tinyCore does not like Serial.print();