Code for RF remote contoller

Hi friends, I want to control a lot of ws2811 strips with one RF remote control that when I push a button, change the program of all strip. my problem is that I'm new with RF remote and I don't know how to set one remote for all devices. what kind of remote should I use? I want a kind of remote that if it's broke down, I can replace it easily without changing the code of all the devices.
I want to use a 12CH remote

Such remotes usually come with a receiver/'base station' which is generally an RF receiver, a microcontroller and a couple of relays (12 in this case). The remote control and the relay module are an integrated system and the parts may not (will not) generally be interoperable between different types, let alone different vendors. So:

One option is to purchase several identical units right away, verify that every remote works on every receiver and then replace remote controllers as yours get lost/break etc.

An alternative is to design your own remote control and produce new ones if the old ones break/go missing etc.

Another alternative is to forget about remote controls in the first place and use WiFi or Bluetooth instead with an ESP32 controller and use your smartphone as a remote control.

In general in situations like these, the question needs to be asked what you're trying to achieve and what the context is for the system to operate under. This tends to help in identifying possible solutions.

Your topic does not indicate a problem with the IDE and therefore had been moved to a more suitable location on the forum.

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Thanks a lot. I want to write a code that change the output pattern and remote with 12 relays doesn't work for and it's expensive.
The last generation of this product use an esp32 base circuit. But they want a rf circuit too.

If they insist on RF, you could make something involving a radio module. Plenty of those available for Arduino projects. NRF24 is commonly used, although maybe not the most fortunate choice. However, the main challenge will be to put that into a remote that's small enough to handle conveniently. It's possible if you layout your own PCB and use SMD components. If you have to work with modules, it's difficult to make it really small.

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