I'm building an electronic deadbolt door lock. this will be a "fail secure" or type setup, using one-way 'pull' solenoid, return-to-latched spring, & obscure mechanical override. I'll be using the following components:
= arduino uno R3
= TTP229 capacitive keypad module (i2C device). known i2C address & known working. this will be used in 16-key mode, hopefully on same i2C bus as 'next device down' ...
= 20x4 LCD (has an i2C backpack). known i2C address & known working.
= solid state relay (will use just one, but have 5, of which 4 are rated 10 amp and one rated 25 amp/continuous duty. (not included here is my 'probable fake' fotek). to switch the 120 VAC to 'next item down'...
= 120 VAC laminated solenoid, dormeyer, unknown model number, unknown amp draw, closeup pic shows # of the solenoid COIL, not a typical dormeyer solenoid number.
I have 'minimal or less' coding background, but for days I've read numerous articles on and "looked closely at the code" for all the lock projects I could find. I tried finding a site, or 'outline', or 'overview' of -which- specific code 'includes' MY project 'should' include, or not include. i've found that 'most' door lock project codes include these includes:
= keypad.h
= liquidcrystal.h, OR newliquidcrystal.h, both of which I've managed to convince myself should be replaced, in my situation, with
= hd44780.h
but other lock projects sometimes use these includes:
problem is I can't find ANY info ANYWHERE as to -which- particular include (or includes, plural) a guys project "might best benefit from using and why" or, really, any 'real world type' descriptive overview of what any particular include 'will or won't do for your project' or of 'if you use include A be sure to also use its prerequisite, include B' or 'don't ever use -this- include if your project contains item C', or 'this incude is primarily used for purpose XXX, when situation YYY happens', or any similarly-worded descriptive info-bits that pertain to using one include vs another vs neither of the two, or possibly using something else entirely' type info ... anywhere ...
clarity is always nice, AND I have no =clue= what I'm doing, so, code-includes-wise, confusion reigns here ... :-/
thanks for any light you guys shed