Code of rotary dial doesn't work inside other code

This is my code for the rotary dial alone:

int reading = digitalRead(wheelTicker);
        long currentTime = millis();
        if (((currentTime - lastStateChangeTime) > 3000) && input_number != "")
          if (input_number.length() < 20)
            input_number.toCharArray(dialedNumber, 20);
            Serial.println("Dialling this number: ");
            Serial.print("Not a valid phone number!");
        if ((currentTime - lastStateChangeTime) > dialHasFinishedRotatingAfterMs)
          // the dial isn't being dialed, or has just finished being dialed.
          if (needToPrint)
            // if it's only just finished being dialed, we need to send the number down the serial
            // line and reset the count. We mod the count by 10 because '0' will send 10 pulses.
            Serial.print(count % 10, DEC);
            input_number += count % 10;
            needToPrint = 0;
            count = 0;
            cleared = 0;

        if (reading != lastState)
          lastStateChangeTime = currentTime;

        if ((currentTime - lastStateChangeTime) > debounceDelay)
          // debounce - this happens once it's stablized
          if (reading != trueState)
            // this means that the switch has either just gone from closed->open or vice versa.
            trueState = reading;
            if (trueState == HIGH)
              // increment the count of pulses if it's gone high.
              needToPrint = 1; // we'll need to print this number (once the dial has finished rotating)
        lastState = reading;

And it works fine by itself. Now I want to insert it into code I've written for a rotary phone connected to a gsm shield.

#include <ezButton.h>

// PIN Number
#define PINNUMBER ""

// initialize the library instance
GSM gsmAccess;
GSMVoiceCall vcs;
ezButton phone(12);

int wheelTicker = 4;
char dialedNumber[20];
int needToPrint = 0;
int count;
int lastState = LOW;
int trueState = LOW;
long lastStateChangeTime = 0;
int cleared = 0;
char number;
String input_number;
int dialHasFinishedRotatingAfterMs = 100;
int debounceDelay = 10;
char incomingNumber[20];

void setup()
  // initialize serial communications and wait for port to open:
  pinMode(wheelTicker, INPUT);
  while (!Serial)
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only

  Serial.println("Phone is starting");

  // connection state
  bool notConnected = true;

  // Start GSM shield
  // If your SIM has PIN, pass it as a parameter of begin() in quotes
  while (true)
    if (gsmAccess.begin(PINNUMBER) == GSM_READY)

    Serial.println("Not connected");

  // This makes sure the modem correctly reports incoming events
  Serial.println("Phone started");

void loop()
  int hangedUp = phone.getState();

  // Check the status of the voice call
  switch (vcs.getvoiceCallStatus())
    case IDLE_CALL: // Nothing is happening
      if (hangedUp == HIGH)
        Serial.println("Waiting for call!");
      if (hangedUp == LOW)
        Serial.println("Dial a number!");
        int reading = digitalRead(wheelTicker);
        long currentTime = millis();
        if (((currentTime - lastStateChangeTime) > 3000) && input_number != "")
          if (input_number.length() < 20)
            input_number.toCharArray(dialedNumber, 20);
            Serial.println("Dialling this number: ");
            Serial.print("Not a valid phone number!");
        if ((currentTime - lastStateChangeTime) > dialHasFinishedRotatingAfterMs)
          // the dial isn't being dialed, or has just finished being dialed.
          if (needToPrint)
            // if it's only just finished being dialed, we need to send the number down the serial
            // line and reset the count. We mod the count by 10 because '0' will send 10 pulses.
            Serial.print(count % 10, DEC);
            input_number += count % 10;
            needToPrint = 0;
            count = 0;
            cleared = 0;

        if (reading != lastState)
          lastStateChangeTime = currentTime;

        if ((currentTime - lastStateChangeTime) > debounceDelay)
          // debounce - this happens once it's stablized
          if (reading != trueState)
            // this means that the switch has either just gone from closed->open or vice versa.
            trueState = reading;
            if (trueState == HIGH)
              // increment the count of pulses if it's gone high.
              needToPrint = 1; // we'll need to print this number (once the dial has finished rotating)
        lastState = reading;


    case RECEIVINGCALL: // Yes! Someone is calling us

      Serial.println("RECEIVING CALL");

      // Retrieve the calling number
      vcs.retrieveCallingNumber(incomingNumber, 20);

      // Print the calling number

      if (hangedUp == LOW)
        Serial.println("phone is busy");

      while (phone.getState() == HIGH)
        if (vcs.getvoiceCallStatus() != RECEIVINGCALL)
        Serial.println("pick up!");



    case TALKING: // In this case the call would be established

      if (phone.getState() == HIGH)
        Serial.println("Hanging up");


Everything works fine except if(hangedUp == LOW). The code for the rotary dial within that if-clause just doesn't work. The variable hangedUp is just the state of a simple on and off switch.
Any help is appreciated.

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