Codebird php (twitter) no longer working

Simple PHP that twitts the content of a JSON and was working since 3 months.
BOOM its no longer working and i did no upgrade of PHP and so.

Does any body have a identical problem?
(same code, same php libs works correctly on a iMac for example )

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error 60 while validating the Twitter API certificate.' in /mnt/sda1/twitter/codebird.php:892
Stack trace:
#0 /mnt/sda1/twitter/codebird.php(1343): Codebird\Codebird->_validateSslCertificate(60)
#1 /mnt/sda1/twitter/codebird.php(1286): Codebird\Codebird->_callApiCurl('POST', 'statuses/update', Array, false, false, false)
#2 /mnt/sda1/twitter/codebird.php(499): Codebird\Codebird->_callApi('POST', 'statuses/update', Array, false, false, false)
#3 /mnt/sda1/twitter/json_twit.php(28): Codebird\Codebird->__call('statuses_update', Array)
#4 /mnt/sda1/twitter/json_twit.php(28): Codebird\Codebird->statuses_update(Array)
#5 {main}
thrown in /mnt/sda1/twitter/codebird.php on line 892


The date of my arduino Yun, was in July. it seems that SSL libs are checking date incoherences (good)
A correct install of "NTPD' solved the problem.

nice catch 8)