command a 220v inverter

sorry I'm a young, novice girl with Arduino.
I would like to ask you a question,
I read two arduino pressure sensors through the analog pins.
I would like to be able to have an arduino

command a 220v inverter (which in turn will control a fan) via analogue or digital output (it accepts both)
These two values ​​I would like to tell the arduino to read the difference between them and to control the inverter so that it keeps this value constant.
example: difference between the two values ​​is = a 1v, controls the inverter to keep this value constant.
is it impossible to do it?


void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

int MassaAria = analogRead(A1);
float voltage1= (float)MassaAria *(5.0/1023);

int Cil=analogRead(A2);
float voltage= (float) Cil/10235.0;
float pCil=(float)((((voltage /(1023/5))/5)+0.04)/0.004

int Atm=analogRead(A3);
float voltage3= (float) Atm/1023.05.0;
float pAtm=(float)((((voltage /(1023/5))/5)+0.04)/0.004

Serial.print("A"); Serial.println(voltage1);
Serial.print("B"); Serial.println(pCil);
Serial.print("C"); Serial.println(pAtm);

It is not clear from the description what you want to do. Do you want to control the speed of a 220 VAC fan? This is not simple, and may not even be possible with most AC fans.

The Arduino can safely turn ON or OFF an inverter or other household appliance only with something like this power switch.

I want to control the speed of a 220v fan approx.
I will use a toshiba vf-s15 inverter.
I would like the Arduino to command it, and to manage it.
Arduino must take into account the two pressure sensors, calculate the difference and send a command to the inverter to keep the difference between the two sensors constant.
Is there a way?
I'm a beginner and I'm trying to learn.
But it will be very difficult ......

This is not a beginner project.

Hai ragione....
sono sicura che sia molto complicato e che poche persone abbiano le conoscenze per farlo funzionare.
Ma studiando tanto.....

Hai ragione....
sono sicura che sia molto complicato e che poche persone abbiano le conoscenze per farlo funzionare.
Ma studiando tanto.....

Be nice!

Play with the IDE examples to get some coding experience .
Get your pressure transducers working so you can read their values ... then calculate the difference. Then ..... In other words take small steps in the project.

You could use the arduino to generate a 4-20mA signal and command the inverter using the analog input, I think its the easiest way.

I want to control the speed of a 220v fan approx.
I will use a toshiba vf-s15 inverter.
I would like the Arduino to command it, and to manage it.
Arduino must take into account the two pressure sensors, calculate the difference and send a command to the inverter to keep the difference between the two sensors constant.
Is there a way?
I'm a beginner and I'm trying to learn.
But it will be very difficult ......

Please provide links to details of all the hardware - don't make us all search the internet for stuff you already have!