I am a beginner to arduino. I'm attempting to get a three phase bldc motor with hall sensors working with arduino. I'm following the tutorials at these links:
Ground to the Arduino is just a return path for the control signals, so carries very little current.
The same (small) size as the signal wires will do.
Keep it bundled with the signal wires.
Thank you. If you don't mind, I should use a jumper wire from arduino ground to which part of the circuit? My first impression says you are telling me to connect the signal wires to common of the 12 volt source? I'm asking the question in hopes of avoiding a ground loop.
Usually it's best to tie the grounds together at the power supplies. The main thing is you want "good connections" to the high-current components (motors & motor driver) so that ground-path (or the positive voltage) shouldn't go through the Arduino board.