Comms does not work using terminal outside of Arduino IDE


I am using Arduino Nano 33 BLE. My program works well using Serial Monitor within Arduino IDE, but It does not work outside of Arduino IDE, using other Terminal software. Please, let me know if I need to do any additional settings for this.

Thank you for your assistance.


Welcome to the forum

All you need to do is to configure the terminal software to use the correct COM port, start, stop and parity bits and baud rate

No changes are needed to the sketch or the Arduino or IDE

Which terminal emulator are you trying to use ?

I am using Teraterm and I have already set correct COM port, start, stop and parity bits and baud rate.

Thank you for your assistance.


So what happens when you try to print something to it ?

Please post the sketch that you are using for your tests

Yes, you do. The IDE must be stopped and it's serial connection to the Arduino must be released so the new program can use the port.

Please clarify what you mean when you say that the IDE must be stopped

Two programs cannot share the same COMx port, Bob. You need to stop the IDE for another program to access the SAME COMx port.

You do not need to stop the IDE to release the COM port, merely close the Serial monitor

I close the Arduino IDE, there is no Arduino IDE at the moment I use Teraterm and the issue still happens.

You have not described the issue beyond saying that "it does not work"

Please post an example sketch

Have you configured terraterm for "no" flow control or modem control?

I am sorry I didn´t reply for so long. I finally managed to get comms changing settings in Teraterm as follows:

Now we have to use the emulator "Termie" or "Termite" because of a requirement. I can´t get it to work "Termie" or "Termite" with "arduino nano 33 BLE". Such emulators (Termie and Termite) work with other devices but not with "arduino nano 33 BLE". Any ideas why?

Many Thanks,

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