You seem to be under the completely mistaken impression that + is the concatenation operator in C. It is the ADDITION operator. Grab your calculator. ADD "p" and 12. What is the result?
You seem to be under the completely mistaken impression that + is the concatenation operator in C. It is the ADDITION operator. Grab your calculator. ADD "p" and 12. What is the result?
"p" is a char, not a String (with uppercase S), + operates on char much like two values in a calculator.
void setup() {
void loop() {
String p = "p";
int i = 12;
String c = p + i + p;
is String addition (concatenation) that does work.
One can add the value of a function to a String, as long as the String has been initialized beforehand.
One should concatenate Strings on a line before using Serial.print().
See 08. Strings for more information.
You could look at using the PrintEx library.
That will add printf() support to Print class objects - which eliminates having to use sprintf() to buffer each time you want to output a xxprintf() formatted string.
But as long it's a print statement, don't bother concating it first, just send it in pieces, nobody will know. In case of the web with a .get(), yeah, you unfortunately have to.
Why o why. Just print each part and don't spend time to concat them in memory when you don't need it..
I'm a php programmer with an Arduino hobby.
C++ is total nuts.
I just want a forum that helps with total 1980 wackyness of C.
I need to make a filename for my SD reader.
And I'm searching this idiotic forum for help.
Look how other forums help:
search in google: create string with variables php
Need to waist 4 hours of time? Then try to get the same answer for Arduino on this forum.
After reading 9127 comments of idiots like Paul_S I ended up using this:
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int selectedYear;
char filename[14] = {}; // ROMEO filenames are 8.3 so 12 + 1 for END-OF-STRING should be enough...
void createFilename(int yr) {
sprintf(filename, "thumb%u.bmp", yr);
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
selectedYear = 1970;
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
Serial.print("- ");
if ( selectedYear == 2021 ) selectedYear = 1970;
Try to write real time stuff in PHP, Java or C#,even on the fastest PC that you can find in the world; and I mean real time stuff where microseconds can cost you thousands of dollars. You will fail miserably. Those languages are basically only good for user interfaces.