Concating String and Integer

I am unable to concat string like following

int i = 12;

It is giving me an error like "invalid operands of types 'const char*' and 'const char [2]' to binary 'operator+' "

i have met this when trying to send a GET request like following


here data type of vehicle_id is int

Here also the same error like above is generated

How to solve this?

How to solve this?

int i = 12;
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You seem to be under the completely mistaken impression that + is the concatenation operator in C. It is the ADDITION operator. Grab your calculator. ADD "p" and 12. What is the result?

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If your function need the string as one chunk, you could use sprintf.

const char getFmt[] PROGMEM = "";
unsigned long vehicle_id = 123456789;
char dateTime[] = "201705161540";

void setup() {
  char bigBuf[100] = "";
  sprintf_P(bigBuf, getFmt, vehicle_id, dateTime);
  Serial.print(F("we now have '"));
void loop() {}
we now have ''

But remember, in most cases sprintf() is a bit of a bazooka to kill a mosquito. :wink:

If you want to have a smaller footprint, you could use

const char getFmt1[] PROGMEM = "";
const char getFmt2[] PROGMEM = "&datetime=";

unsigned long vehicle_id = 123456789;
char dateTime[] = "201705161540";

void setup() {
  char bigBuf[100] = "";
  strcpy_P(bigBuf, getFmt1);
  char* ptr = bigBuf + strlen(bigBuf);
  ultoa(vehicle_id, ptr, 10);
  strcat_P(bigBuf, getFmt2);
  strcat(bigBuf, dateTime);
  Serial.print(F("we now have '"));
void loop() {}
we now have ''

You seem to be under the completely mistaken impression that + is the concatenation operator in C. It is the ADDITION operator. Grab your calculator. ADD "p" and 12. What is the result?

"p" is a char, not a String (with uppercase S), + operates on char much like two values in a calculator.

void setup() {

void loop() {
  String p = "p";
  int i = 12;
  String c = p + i + p;

is String addition (concatenation) that does work.
One can add the value of a function to a String, as long as the String has been initialized beforehand.
One should concatenate Strings on a line before using Serial.print().
See 08. Strings for more information.

"p" is a char, not a String (with uppercase S)

No, "p" is a string literal.
'p' is a char.

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You could look at using the PrintEx library.
That will add printf() support to Print class objects - which eliminates having to use sprintf() to buffer each time you want to output a xxprintf() formatted string.

--- bill

try adding outside the print() function

String a="p";

Why o why. Just print each part and don't spend time to concat them in memory when you don't need it..

Why o why. Just print each part and don't spend time to concat them in memory when you don't need it..

This works only most of the times, if you have a Stream interface to feed.

If you have to pass a full URI to some function, you have to concatenate if the data is dynamic.

Yep, and he is :slight_smile:

This works only most of the times, if you have a Stream interface to feed.


plus, there is more than one way to skin this con-cat

nothing wrong with showing OP alternatives

Yep, and he is :slight_smile:


At least not for this special function.

I replied to the one above aka to logans.

But as long it's a print statement, don't bother concating it first, just send it in pieces, nobody will know. In case of the web with a .get(), yeah, you unfortunately have to.

Why o why. Just print each part and don't spend time to concat them in memory when you don't need it..

I'm a php programmer with an Arduino hobby.
C++ is total nuts.

I just want a forum that helps with total 1980 wackyness of C.

I need to make a filename for my SD reader.
And I'm searching this idiotic forum for help.

Look how other forums help:
search in google: create string with variables php

Need to waist 4 hours of time? Then try to get the same answer for Arduino on this forum.

After reading 9127 comments of idiots like Paul_S I ended up using this:

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned int selectedYear;

char filename[14] = {}; // ROMEO filenames are 8.3 so 12 + 1 for END-OF-STRING should be enough...

void createFilename(int yr) {

  sprintf(filename, "thumb%u.bmp", yr);


// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
  selectedYear = 1970;

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {


  Serial.print("- ");
  if ( selectedYear == 2021 ) selectedYear = 1970;


Making sure my format fits the values I was using: a unsigned int. I found a reference here:

Now I will probably want a folder name in the filename as well. ...
So I better watch out to keep filename the right size ...

After nearly three years.

C++ is total nuts.

Try to write real time stuff in PHP, Java or C#,even on the fastest PC that you can find in the world; and I mean real time stuff where microseconds can cost you thousands of dollars. You will fail miserably. Those languages are basically only good for user interfaces.