Connecting 2 devices


noob-question: I want to connect 2 devices to an arduino nano powered via usb:

An LED-matrix and a 433MHz sender.

I have tried and found that the sender works with both 3.3V and 5V.

So now I guess I have 2 options: Either connect both devices to 5V via a small breadboard or connect the LED to 5V and the sender to 3.3V.

Would both ways work or is one preferable?

Unfortunately I cannot try anything atm as I wait for a new nano to be shipped.

it's not because you have only 1 5V pin that you can't connect two devices to it. breadboard are not mandatory you could use a Wago for example

However, the LED matrix possibly requires more current than what is reasonable to draw from the 5V pin of the arduino Nano. How many LEDs are there ? link to the product or its datasheet would help.

its just an 8x8 matrix that works when powered via usb. I have tried both the led and the sender - both work individually but now I want to use both. Unfortunatly I currently dont have a wago so I am leaning towards connecting the sender to the 3.3v pin, this way I can avoid using an extra breadboard unless there is a reason not to do it that way.

For testing, you can simply twist three wires together to give you a 'fork' in the 5V output.
Strip one end of 3 different wires, twist together and tape so it doesn't short anywhere. Don't forget that last bit.
The 3.3V regulator is fed from the 5V regulator, by the way, so you're not gaining anything by using the 3.3V pin, the 5V regulator sees the same load.

It's not about drawing´extra power but about simplicity in wiring that makes me lean towards connecting eaćh device to a pin of its own.

Ahh. For temporary lashups, I don't worry too much about that. Been too long at this. Whatever gets the job done.
Permanent install, different story.

yeah if the current drawn is reasonable then go for the 5V and 3.3V wires.

USB can deliver 500mA. if you power you arduino via USB and the LEDs do eat up those 500mA then you'll have trouble powering the Arduino itself or the radio

Why not simply use the extra 5V pin available as one of the six ICSP pins? I do that frequently on both UNOs and Nanos.

ah - I did not know that you could that..

I am sure that knowledge will come handy some day.

Many thanks.