Connecting Lcd screen with arduino mega 2560

Hi guys,
Is there any way to connect an LCD screen to an Arduino mega 2560 board only using pin 22 to 53 apart from the power supply and gound pins?

Thank you very much

Thank you so much for your reply,
and the LCD screen is 2*16 characters display with HD44780 chip in it.

Link to the datasheet:

Calm down please,

First of all, you asked for the type of LCD screen I am using and its datasheet,
I have stated very clear it is a 2*16 display screen with HD44780 chips in it if you are still confused with it, then there might be an issue with your brain. Just because I didn't post a clickable link, you don't have to be mad. Also if you want to know what library I am using, can't you ask like a normal person? You don't have to help if you don't want to help, also I suggest you find yourself a therapist just in case there might a chance for you to have mental breakdown frequently.

Thank you for your time :slight_smile: