Connecting PSP Analog stick to PC via Arduino.


I have project where I need to connect a PSP Analog stick to a PC preferably via USB port. The PSP Stick uses a four wire output:
High, Ground, X & Y axis. (
I am absolutely new to the whole Arduino thing so I have a couple of basic quesions.

First of all is what im trying to do possible at all? And if so how hard would it be for a Newbie like me. I have basic knowledge in electronics and programming.

What Arduino Board would I need?
The USB Host Shield? (
or the Arduino Uno (
or both maybe?

Would I be able to configure the Analog stick after connecting it to the PC? Like mapping keyboard buttons to the Stick: Up=W, Down=S, Left=A, Right=D. The analog function of the Stick is not needed.

Any Help or Advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

What Arduino Board would I need?

I would go for the new Leonardo because you have the USB functionality in the main processor. With an UNO you have to program the main processor as well as the ATmega16U2 that's doing the USB protocol handling.

Would I be able to configure the Analog stick after connecting it to the PC? Like mapping keyboard buttons to the Stick: Up=W, Down=S, Left=A, Right=D. The analog function of the Stick is not needed.

That's done on the PC if you connect the stick as a joystick. I'm sure you'll find software which is able to do that. The other possibility is do emulate a keyboard from the arduino and translate the joystick movements also there. Take a look at the keyboard example of the Leonardo.

nice, many thanks for the quick reply. A Leonardo Board it is then. Would I also need a 10-kilohm resistor? In the Joystick Mouse control example ( it doesnt say what it would be needed for.

They say it: if you use a raw device (no breakout) you may need to pull the button (klick) down (resistor to GND) to have always a defined state. From what I see on your picture you don't have button, so you probably don't need the resistor.

Perhaps the easy option in this case would be to take the PSP hardware (I assume you have pots and switches in there somewhere) and connect them to the electrical guts of a plain old USB joystick - which already has the logic to do ADC and deal with all the USB stuff.