Has anyone here used one of these small resistive analog joysticks with an arduino?
It looks like it has four pins, two take power and two you could take a reading from, one for each axis. Other than that I know nothing about it. If anyone has any details on the wiring or code I'd use to take a reading from it, I'd be very grateful.
the center strip is probably connected to something, the sony psp uses one that looks like the same setup and it fits against the metal cage (or at-least in the 1000 models)
all else fails it's probably intended to be wired up like a rheostat
each pad is a "end" to a variable resistor (*2 for x and y)
that's a common joystick thing from the old days
apple //, c-64, and pc used that setup to change the clocks on 555 single shot timers, depending on how long the clock was high was representative of position
"If you supply power to pins 2 and 4, you can use an ADC to read the other two pins for the x and y axis values."
Looks like pins 2 and 4 are the outer pins of both potentiometers wired in parallel. Pins 1 and 3 are the wipers. It sure would be nice if they told us the resistance.