I am trying to connect the arduino nano 33 ble to my android and it wont pair. Can someone let me know why it won't pair?
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Then it shows up in the list when your smartphone Scans for devices ?
Its shows up and then says i need an app to connect. It will let me select pair and then says unable to pair check the settings
"Pairing" is not typically a term used with BLE and a phone, but you will need an app to "Connect".
I would suggest that you use LightBlue or nrfConnect on your phone to get started and verify the code on the Nano 33.
Yes i have light blue downloaded and it will connect to that. I was trying to find a way to not use that. How come i need to use another app?
How come i need to use another app?
That the way BLE works. The peripheral device advertises and is available to have its data read by a central device running software to do that reading from or writing to the peripheral. The android app is the central.
Do you know if i can connect an app that i created using the MIT app inventor? Will it all work the same?
I'm pretty sure you could write a BLE app with app inventor, but I am not very familiar with the specifics. I do know that there is a BLE extension required.
You are starting to leave Arduino territory and headed into the land of MIT App Inventor. Perhaps their forum would be a better place for you.
have a look at Internet of Things and Bluetooth Tutorial with the ESP32
creates an app using MIT app Inventor when enables communication with an ESP32 using BLE
I assume it would work with a Nano 33 BLE
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