I need 5 analog inputs and have been using A0-A4 on a Nano - but now want to connect an
I2C display and see A4 is the SDA connection (and A5 is the SCL connection)
I know that A6 and A7 are analog only pins but they are not marked on the pinout I have
(the rest are marked in purple - A0 = 14, A1 = 15, A2 = 16, A3 = 17 and A4 = 18) so how
do I reference A6 and A7 in the Arduino IDE?
Find it a bit confusing as physical pin 23 = A0 but is referenced in the IDE as 14 but A6/A7 are
not marked??
int x = analogRead(A6); //or A7
So refer to them as A6 and A7. What's the problem with that? They don't need a digital pin number because, as you pointed out, they are not digital pins.
If you Google "Arduino nano pinout" you'll find hundreds of diagrams and all the ones I looked at showed A6 and A7 quite clearly.
I need 5 analog inputs and have been using A0-A4 on a Nano - but now want to connect an
I2C display and see A4 is the SDA connection (and A5 is the SCL connection)
I know that A6 and A7 are analog only pins but they are not marked on the pinout I have
(the rest are marked in purple - A0 = 14, A1 = 15, A2 = 16, A3 = 17 and A4 = 18) so how
do I reference A6 and A7 in the Arduino IDE?
Find it a bit confusing as physical pin 23 = A0 but is referenced in the IDE as 14 but A6/A7 are
not marked??
The following three diagrams may be helpful: