Connecting to breadboard

How does everyone connect their arduino to a breadboard? When I prototype things, I usually just put one end of a wire into the arduino pin with the other end of the wire stuck into the breadboard.

This is not the most solid setup. Invariably I get loose connections or the wires pop out. So how does everyone else connect arduino pins to a breadboard?


These work great . . .

... or any solid core 22 AWG (0.65mm) hookup wire should work well.

This was annoying me too, until i spend the (long and redious) time it took to solder up a bunch of "Arduino patch cables".

I broke up one of those long strips of pinn connectors that fit in the Arduino pin "sockets", they also fit in a bread board. I soldered one of those to each end of a suitable lenght of hookup wire (i prefer soft stranded hookup wire)

I also slipped a short piece of hot shrink tubing over the pin / wire solder joint to give it some extra strength.

Using different colors of hookup wire and hot shrink tubing makes identifying the wires easier when you have a lot of wires going to / from Arduino.

I made a lot of these, in different lengths and colors.

i also made som of these "patch cables" with a pin connector in only one end, to use with other stuff than the bread board.

These work great . . .

I like those. I'll add some to my next sparkfun order. thanks

Try a home made soloution:-

Try a home made soloution:-

This helps connect the Arduino to a breadboard how?