Best way to physically connect to arduino

Hi Everyone,

Sorry if this is a bit of a noob question. But what is the best way to physically connect to the pins on an arduino board. I'm really looking for a method which provides a stable and secure connection. Up until now I've just been feeding loose wires into the pin sockets.

Many thanks

That all depends on how much effort you want to go to and what you're prototyping with.

You can get special jumper leads from somewhere that fit in really nicely, so you could then jump to a breadboard and do your work there, or to whatever i guess.

Probably a better option but less convenient is to use the matching male header which should be fairly easy to find at your local electronics store. That will get a great connection but you sort of need to solder to it...

Id be interested to hear if anyone has any more interesting ways of connecting up.

Using 0.1" header pins seems to be the best way. If you use a full row of them, the friction is increased and they stay plugged in more firmly. Then solder wires tot he other end of the pins, insulate the with heat-shrink sleeving and connect to whatever you want.

Photos of the header pins:




That's great,

Thanks for your advice guys. I'll give those a try.
