Hi everyone, now I know how to control my servo with code and analog input the next step for me is to control it using the computer keyboard. Thing is though, I don't know how to do that so if someone could point me in the right direction I would be extremely grateful !
Unless you want to use the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE, you need to make a program on the PC that read the keypresses on the keyboard, encode them somehow (translate them to servo angels or what ever you want), and send it over the serial connection to Arduino.
Arduino will read the data and control the servo.
If you know any PC programming languages it shouldn't be very difficult to code, since you already know how to controil the servo on the Arduino side.
Hi thanks for the help, I think that I would probably want to use the serial monitor in the arduino IDE, so I'm going to go and have a look on the arduino playground unless anyone knows any decent tutorials i could follow.
Theres two programs which do this, one also allows a joystick to send commands to the arduino, another can run programs etc on windows, alot like a macro
Cant remember the names gotta check l8er on ...
Also try asking in the frequently asked questions section ...