Controle water pressure with valve?

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to build a water circuit where the liquid would be controled. There is a pump that takes water out of a tank and put it back into it. A valve would be opening more or less to varry the pressure ahead to keep it constant.

I cannot find ball valve that would be analogic: I only can finc ball valves that are either open or closed, but not for example 80% open.

Is there a way to to these kind of thing?

Thank you very much !!

Look for proportional valves. They require a controller and independent power source, of course.

Why would the pump produce different pressures? Do you have a power supply problem for the pump?

Pump the liquid up to a higher vessel (maybe even a pressure vessel), limit switches turn the pump on/off.

Let the liquid gravity flow to the lower vessel.

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