controll a wavemaker

Hello, I am completely newbie in arduino stuff..
I have 3 Chinese 6000l/h aquarium wavemakers I would like to use if possible as wavemakers with controller operate...

The wavemakers oprate in 220v
I used the following pwm voltage controller to controll the speed of the wavemaker and it works just fine...

I used it seeing the following video

Obviously it is not possible to turn the potentiometer knob low high every 2 seconds manually to make waves in my aquarium...
So the question is, if it is possible using arduino to controll what the knob does... maximum for 1 second, 30% for one second, in loop...

Thanks for your time and sorry for my bad English!!

This all operating at mains voltage, so no, there are 100's of volts in the pot, it cannot be controlled other than via a mechanical connection - perhaps a servo?

I hope you have full safety - anything involved mains and water must be properly earthed, and insulated...

Arduino controlled TRIAC would be a safer option to replace the pot.

I also concur with Mark on the safety aspects and there needs to be an E-STOP involved at the very least.

Thanks a lot!!!