controlling antenna rotator - serial connection problem

I have one of these (similar) cheap antenna rotator:

I'm using Arduino Uno and 2-channel relay board:

Every time I turn off/on motor(relay) via serial command, serial port on PC just freezes, and I need to unplug/plug android uno to make it work again. It's completely random, sometimes I can do multiple on/off's, sometimes it freezes after one command.
If I disconnect motor from relay, it works great...same with turning on/off led.
So obviously there is some problem with power/magnetic field or something else from motor (sorry I'm noob) :slight_smile:
Arduino sketch is irrelevant here, because it works. I'm using arduino serial monitor to send commands to arduino uno (0 turn off, 1 turn on).

I have attached "schematics" how motor is connected to relay board.
Please help!

Do you get the crash if the motor is not connected, i.e. you're just operating the relay?

No I don't, it works great with just switching relay or some LED on/off

Have you tried shielding the motor cables?
How long are the various cables?

What should I use to shield motor cable? Aluminium folium ?
Motor cable is ~4m long.
While others are roughly 20-40cm

btw. I have found that few people had similar issues with big motors, and capacitor helped.
But what size do I need and where to connect it?

This definitely seems like EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference).

See this on the ArduinoInfo.Info WIKI HERE:

And also worth reading this on the ArduinoInfo.Info WIKI HERE:to make sure you know how to really use the opto-isolation on those relay boards:

You should be able to make this work.. With relays located next to the control box with a separate small 5V supply running the relay logic and coils, some cable distance to the Arduino, and the opto-isolation used so there is no direct electrical connection from the Arduino to the relay power section it should be LOTS better.

Thanks everyone, I will try with those "EMI fixes".