Dear community,
To my knowledge, the answer to my question is not discussed elsewhere in this forum. If so, then sorry and I would like to read this post.
For my first self designed project (fairly new in the matter) (no electrician / just hobbyist) I ran into a question(because I wanted to overcomplicate things to make them work better and easier) which I would like to have answered before setting up the system and frying my components. As most people comprehensively discussed using one Arduino to control multiple stepper motors I would like to have some information regarding the reverse of this.
For my project, I designed a system that uses an Arduino UNO with 3 Adafruit motor shield to easy control 6 stepper motors. This Arduino is also coupled with an HC-50 Bluetooth module which enables me to control the speed and the number of steps via an application that I build using the MITT app inventor. So far this all works fine, but after some brainstorming, I decided that it would be really nice for my project to be able to run these stepper motors individually without the Arduino Uno but with an Arduino Nano. The latter is way smaller and easily fits in the enclosure needed for my project.
So what i want to achieve is the following setup
Stepper motor 1
arduino nano 1
bluetooth module 1
power bank 1
easy driver shield 1
this system should be able to run the stepper motor via an application (other than previously mentioned)
but imagine that I would have another set of the above setup :
Stepper motor 2
arduino nano 2
bluetooth module 2
power bank 2
easy driver shield 2
what I then would like to do is to connect these two stepper motor systems to one Arduino so that they both can be controlled via the application that I first mentioned.
So basically two stepper motor system that works individually via application A but that can be easily connected to one Arduino nano (like the main board) to operate via one application B.
So the problem where it all boils down to is :
Can I take the cables of the stepper motor, plug them into a breadboard, take the cables from the easy drive connect them in this breadboard and lastly can I take the cables from the Adafruit stepper motor shield and connect them as well?
This system is made to operate the stepper motor systems individually or simultaneously but never at the same time.
I know that in both the boards I will use OUTPUT pins but does it do harm if the easy-driver from the nano board is connected to the stepper motor but that I am sending the data from the Arduino uno board?
Below is an image of the simplified setup to make things more clear.
So in the red square, we have a multi stepper system that is obtained by connecting (in this case) 2 individual systems to the Adafruit stepper motor shield using 4 cable plugs.
Can this be done?
Sorry for my bad englisch and complicated explanation, did my best to make the point clear.
Would like to hear from your guys, until know, this community has served my a great amount of knowledge, let's hope my first post will be liked and comprehensively discussed.
The Netherlands.