Controlling relay with esp32 and iot

Hi guys I need help with a code I am new to iot and I want to create a log of when my relay was on and when it was off. Can you help me with the code and choosing the variable

Hi, welcome to the community.

It is nice to hear that you are interested in the IoT but you have to be specific about your problem.
show us error messages, codes and other problem-related stuff clearly.

but if you wanna build an IoT system that uses your own website I did a similar thing in the past, have a look at this,

Ashen :black_heart:

1 Like

I think you have the information as you are turning on and off the relay. You need to implement a RTC to get a time base. Depending on the number of readings you probably have enough on chip ram to do the job.

1 Like

Thanks for the idea . you inspire me. can you please help me with the code here are 3 code i am using for my website

first index

//This line will make the page auto-refresh each 15 seconds
$page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$sec = "15";

<!--//I've used bootstrap for the tables, so I inport the CSS files for taht as well...-->
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<?php echo $sec?>;URL='<?php echo $page?>'">		
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- jQuery library -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Latest compiled JavaScript -->
<script src=""></script>
include("database_connect.php"); //We include the database_connect.php which has the data for the connection to the database

// Check the connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
//Again, we grab the table out of the database, name is ESPtable2 in this case
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");//table select

//Now we create the table with all the values from the database	  
echo "<table class='table' style='font-size: 30px;'>
		<th>relay Indicators</th>	
      <tr class='active'>
        <td>bali ID</td>
        <td>relay control 1</td>
        <td>relay control 2 </td>
		<td>relay control 3 </td>
		<td>relay control 4</td>
//loop through the table and print the data into the table
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
   echo "<tr class='success'>"; 	
    $unit_id = $row['id'];
    echo "<td>" . $row['id'] . "</td>";
    $column1 = "RECEIVED_BOOL1";
    $column2 = "RECEIVED_BOOL2";
    $column3 = "RECEIVED_BOOL3";
    $column4 = "RECEIVED_BOOL4";
    $current_bool_1 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL1'];
	$current_bool_2 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL2'];
	$current_bool_3 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL3'];
	$current_bool_4 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL4'];

	if($current_bool_1 == 1){
    $inv_current_bool_1 = 0;
	$text_current_bool_1 = "ON";
	$color_current_bool_1 = "#6ed829";
    $inv_current_bool_1 = 1;
	$text_current_bool_1 = "OFF";
	$color_current_bool_1 = "#e04141";
	if($current_bool_2 == 1){
    $inv_current_bool_2 = 0;
	$text_current_bool_2 = "ON";
	$color_current_bool_2 = "#6ed829";
    $inv_current_bool_2 = 1;
	$text_current_bool_2 = "OFF";
	$color_current_bool_2 = "#e04141";
	if($current_bool_3 == 1){
    $inv_current_bool_3 = 0;
	$text_current_bool_3 = "ON";
	$color_current_bool_3 = "#6ed829";
    $inv_current_bool_3 = 1;
	$text_current_bool_3 = "OFF";
	$color_current_bool_3 = "#e04141";
	if($current_bool_4 == 1){
    $inv_current_bool_4 = 0;
	$text_current_bool_4 = "ON";
	$color_current_bool_4 = "#6ed829";
    $inv_current_bool_4 = 1;
	$text_current_bool_4 = "OFF";
	$color_current_bool_4 = "#e04141";
	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input type='hidden' name='value2' value=$current_bool_1   size='15' >	
	<input type='hidden' name='value' value=$inv_current_bool_1  size='15' >	
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column1 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style=' margin-left: 25%; margin-top: 10%; font-size: 30px; text-align:center; background-color: $color_current_bool_1' value=$text_current_bool_1></form></td>";
	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input type='hidden' name='value2' value=$current_bool_2   size='15' >	
	<input type='hidden' name='value' value=$inv_current_bool_2  size='15' >	
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column2 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style=' margin-left: 25%; margin-top: 10%; font-size: 30px; text-align:center; background-color: $color_current_bool_2' value=$text_current_bool_2></form></td>";
	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input type='hidden' name='value2' value=$current_bool_3   size='15' >	
	<input type='hidden' name='value' value=$inv_current_bool_3  size='15' >	
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column3 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style=' margin-left: 25%; margin-top: 10%; font-size: 30px; text-align:center; background-color: $color_current_bool_3' value=$text_current_bool_3></form></td>";
	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input type='hidden' name='value2' value=$current_bool_4   size='15' >	
	<input type='hidden' name='value' value=$inv_current_bool_4  size='15' >	
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column4 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style=' margin-left: 25%; margin-top: 10%; font-size: 30px; text-align:center; background-color: $color_current_bool_4' value=$text_current_bool_4></form></td>";
	echo "</tr>
echo "</table>
//Again for the second table for numeric controls. We create the table with all the values from the database			

if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");//table select

echo "<table class='table' style='font-size: 30px;'>
		<th>Numeric controls</th>	
      <tr class='active'>
        <td>CONTROL NUMBER 1</td>
        <td>CONTROL NUMBER 2</td>
        <td>CONTROL NUMBER 3</td>
		<td>CONTROL NUMBER 4 </td>
		<td>CONTROL NUMBER 5 </td>
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

 	echo "<tr class='success'>";
    $column6 = "RECEIVED_NUM1";
    $column7 = "RECEIVED_NUM2";
    $column8 = "RECEIVED_NUM3";
    $column9 = "RECEIVED_NUM4";
    $column10 = "RECEIVED_NUM5";
    $current_num_1 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM1'];
	$current_num_2 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM2'];
	$current_num_3 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM3'];
	$current_num_4 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM4'];
	$current_num_5 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM5'];	
	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_1  size='15' >
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column6 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='width: 120px; text-align:center;' value='change'></form></td>";
  	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_2  size='15' >
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column7 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='change'></form></td>";
	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_3  size='15' >
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column8 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='change'></form></td>";
	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_4  size='15' >
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column9 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='change'></form></td>";
	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_5  size='15' >
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column10 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='change'></form></td>";
	echo "</tr>
echo "</table>

//Again for the third table for text send. We create the table with all the values from the database	


if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");//table select

   echo "<table class='table' style='font-size: 30px;'>
		<th>Send Text to bali</th>	
      <tr class='active'>

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

 	 echo "<tr class='success'>";	
    $column11 = "TEXT_1"; 
    $current_text_1 = $row['TEXT_1'];
	echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
  	<input style='width: 100%;' type='text' name='value' value=$current_text_1  size='100'>
  	<input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
  	<input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column11 >
  	<input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='Send'></form></td>";
    echo "</tr>
echo "</table>

//Again for the forth table.	

if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");//table select

echo "<table class='table' style='font-size: 30px;'>
		<th>relay Indicators</th>	
      <tr class='active'>
        <td>bali ID</td>
        <td>Indicator 1</td>
        <td>Indicator 2 </td>
		<td>Indicator 3 </td>
		<td>Indicator 4 </td>
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

 	$cur_sent_bool_1 = $row['SENT_BOOL_1'];
	$cur_sent_bool_2 = $row['SENT_BOOL_2'];
	$cur_sent_bool_3 = $row['SENT_BOOL_3'];
	$cur_sent_bool_1 = $row['SENT_BOOL_4'];

	if($cur_sent_bool_1 == 1){
    $label_sent_bool_1 = "label-success";
	$text_sent_bool_1 = "Active";
    $label_sent_bool_1 = "label-danger";
	$text_sent_bool_1 = "Inactive";
	if($cur_sent_bool_2 == 1){
    $label_sent_bool_2 = "label-success";
	$text_sent_bool_2 = "Active";
    $label_sent_bool_2 = "label-danger";
	$text_sent_bool_2 = "Inactive";
	if($cur_sent_bool_3 == 1){
    $label_sent_bool_3 = "label-success";
	$text_sent_bool_3 = "Active";
    $label_sent_bool_3 = "label-danger";
	$text_sent_bool_3 = "Inactive";
	if($cur_sent_bool_4 == 1){
    $label_sent_bool_4 = "label-success";
	$text_sent_bool_4 = "Active";
    $label_sent_bool_4 = "label-danger";
	$text_sent_bool_4 = "Inactive";
	  echo "<tr class='info'>";
	  $unit_id = $row['id'];
        echo "<td>" . $row['id'] . "</td>";	
		echo "<td>
		<span class='label $label_sent_bool_1'>"
			. $text_sent_bool_1 . "</td>
		echo "<td>
		<span class='label $label_sent_bool_2'>"
			. $text_sent_bool_2 . "</td>
		echo "<td>
		<span class='label $label_sent_bool_3'>"
			. $text_sent_bool_3 . "</td>
	  echo "</tr>

echo "</table>";

Second tx

/*This file should receive a link somethong like this:
If you paste that link to your browser, it should update b1 value with this TX.php file. Read more details below.
The ESP will send a link like the one above but with more than just b1. It will have b1, b2, etc...

//We loop through and grab variables from the received the URL
foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value)  //Save the received value to the hey variable. Save each cahracter after the "&"
	//Now we detect if we recheive the id, the password, unit, or a value to update
if($key =="id"){
$unit = $value;
if($key =="pw"){
$pass = $value;
if($key =="un"){
$update_number = $value;
if($update_number == 1)
	if($key =="n1"){
		$sent_nr_1 = $value;
else if($update_number == 2)
	if($key =="n2"){
	$sent_nr_2 = $value;
else if($update_number == 3)
	if($key =="n3"){
	$sent_nr_3 = $value;
else if($update_number == 4)
	if($key =="n4"){
	$sent_nr_4 = $value;
else if($update_number == 5)
	if($key =="b6"){
	$sent_bool_1 = $value;
	if($key =="b7"){
	$sent_bool_2 = $value;
	if($key =="b8"){
	$sent_bool_3 = $value;
}//End of foreach

include("database_connect.php"); 	//We include the database_connect.php which has the data for the connection to the database

// Check  the connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

//Now we update the values in database
if($update_number == 1)	//If the received data is for SENT_NUMBER_1, we update that value
		mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE ESPtable2 SET SENT_NUMBER_1 = $sent_nr_1 WHERE id=$unit AND PASSWORD=$pass");	
else if($update_number == 2)	//The same and so on...
		mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE ESPtable2 SET SENT_NUMBER_2 = $sent_nr_2 WHERE id=$unit AND PASSWORD=$pass");	;	
else if($update_number == 3)
		mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE ESPtable2 SET SENT_NUMBER_3 = $sent_nr_3 WHERE id=$unit AND PASSWORD=$pass");	;	
else if($update_number == 4)
		mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE ESPtable2 SET SENT_NUMBER_4 = $sent_nr_4 WHERE id=$unit AND PASSWORD=$pass");	;	

else if($update_number == 5)
		mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE ESPtable2 SET SENT_BOOL_1 = $sent_bool_1, SENT_BOOL_2 = $sent_bool_2, SENT_BOOL_3 = $sent_bool_3 
		WHERE id=$unit AND PASSWORD=$pass");	;	

//In case that you need the time from the internet, use this line
$t1 = date("gi"); 	//This will return 1:23 as 123

//Get all the values form the table on the database
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");	//table select is ESPtable2, must be the same on yor database

//Loop through the table and filter out data for this unit id equal to the one taht we've received. 
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
if($row['id'] == $unit){
		//We update the values for the boolean and numebers we receive from the Arduino, then we echo the boolean
		//and numbers and the text from the database back to the Arduino
		$b1 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL1'];	
		$b2 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL2'];	
		$b3 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL3'];
		$b4 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL4'];	
		$b5 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL5'];
		$n1 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM1'];	
		$n2 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM2'];	
		$n3 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM3'];
		$n4 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM4'];	
		$n5 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM5'];
		$n6 = $row['TEXT_1'];
		//Next line will echo the data back to the Arduino
		echo " _t1$t1##_b1$b1##_b2$b2##_b3$b3##_b4$b4##_b5$b5##_n1$n1##_n2$n2##_n3$n3##_n4$n4##_n5$n5##_n6$n6##";

}// End of the while loop

third update_values

//This file will get the values when you click any of the ON/OFF buttons or change buttons on the index.php file
//We get that value and send it to the datapase table and by that update the values
$value = $_POST['value'];		//Get the value
$unit = $_POST['unit'];			//Get the id if the unit where we want to update the value
$column = $_POST['column'];		//Which coulumn of the database, could be the RECEIVED_BOOL1, etc...

//connect to the database
include("database_connect.php"); //We include the database_connect.php which has the data for the connection to the database

// Check the connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

//Now update the value sent from the post (ON/OFF, change or send button)
mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE ESPtable2 SET $column = '{$value}'
WHERE id=$unit");

//go back to the interface
header("location: index.php");

can you help me by telling me how can i modify to make a section for temperature and humidity . and save the data of temperature and humidity . and how can i log the date and time when my relays turned on or off

Sorry HTML and SQL are not in my forte.

watch this video,
this is exactly what you need I think

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