This image shows a non addressable RGB LED strip.
You might be able to power three LEDs from the Arduino.
FastLed is for WS2812B LEDs.
Since the strip needs 5v the strip is ‘common anode’.
See image below, ‘use 5v’ not the 12v as in the image:
Note, the 3 resistors (97, 98, 99) and 3 LEDS (46, 47, 48) are on your strip.
A follow up question if you don't mind my ignorance becoming even more apparent-
I was able to hook this up - one pin in 5v, through a 220 resistor, to the +5v, 3 separate pins 10/11/12 to the G R B - Would i need resistors for each ? Does each pin give 5v / what exactly am I sending through the digital pins? I didn't notice any dimming as the colors turned off (Did 10 HIGH, 11, HIGH, 12 HIGH, 10 LOW, 11 LOW, 12 LOW in a loop)
If each LED is grabbing 20mA, I'm only sending .22 through the 5v line (if i understand I=V/R right)
is each LED color grabbing the full 5v to actually power the light? If i had an external power source, with a strip of 100 lights the G R B definitely couldn't be powered by the board, does it just grab whatever power it needs off the 5v line?
Sorry for the novice questions