Conversion to hexadecimal character

Hi guys ,
Quisera convert a hexadecimal comes in ASCII , ie block in the series sees aparerecer monitor the hexadecimal code , displayed a name.
I'm trying to find the way but do not know if there is any function that realize such instruction.


Probably best to show us what you have so far, then we can propose the best approach based on the context / where the data exists.

e.g. If its in a char[] array, then break each byte apart to high and low nybbles - then ASCIIize it...!

My question is to use RFID-RC522 library on read / write.
What I do is not clear to understand a part of the library is the following:

The problem I have is that a program can not create arduino
where the input variable is in hexadecimal form
and this output in character (ie display a character by the monitor)

Input -> 63 72 69 73 74 69 61 20 72 6e 6f 6f 6f 6e 61 64 0d 0a 6c
output (serial port) -> cristiano ronaldo

Appears on the screen: cristiano ronaldo

You can help me with some instruction, or you know do this conversion ??

Do you get ASCII codes (hex 63, 72 ...) or characters '6', '3', ' ', '7', '2' ...?

Input -> 63 72 69 73 74 69 61 20 72 6e 6f 6f 6f 6e 61 64 0d 0a 6c
output (serial port) -> cristiano ronaldo

Take the input number and do a Serial.write to output it, not a Serial.print.

Thanks, I solved with Serial.Wirte .