Convert 12V to 5V by using 7805 or using Resistor?

Not sure if below are the correct, but please correct me if i am wrong :slight_smile:

Arduino: 20mA

Sounds about right.

1602 LCD with I2C: 0.2mA

Add 10 mA or so for the backlight, of course only when that's on.

How many current will draw from the followings?? i tried google but no luck :frowning:

2N2222A: ???

Depends on the circuit.

Flyback diode (1N4007): ????


10k ohm resistor from NANO pin: ???

Depends on what the other end of the resistor is connected to, and what the pin is set to.

I believe I have exactly the same, first buck converter based on LM2596 and used it only to charge lead gel 12V battery from 24V, 1A solar panel (~20W rated). No problems so far, though not a recommendation for either, they are all quite cheap and not isolated.

Arduino Nano: minimum perhaps 20mA (when idle).
1602 LCD: for circuit ~1.1mA + back light can draw even 130mA (actually can be controlled and be much less, if only dimmed lights are enough). Depending on model.