I'm building a module based on someone else's circuit and code. The original design has a PWM output on digital pin 10, but to make the circuit easier to build I moved that function to digital pin 6. The module also has 100k potentiometers on analog inputs A0 to A7 and reads the voltages with analogRead.
For some reason the pot on A6 is being ignored, even though it seems to be wired correctly.
The original code has con2 = analogRead(6) / 64; to read the analog pin 6 and in another place it had `analogWrite(10, out1);' to write to digital pin 10, which I changed to analogWrite(6, out1); to account for my changes to the circuit. I wonder if this could be the cause of the problem.
I checked my wiring with a meter and it seems OK. I wondered if the two references to pin 6 were causing confusion, so I changed the analog read to con2 = analogRead(A6) / 64; to make it more explicit. However the problem remains.
Even stranger, the pot on A7 seems to be acting as if it was A6. Turning the pot on A7 has the same effect on the output result that the pot on A6 is supposed to have.
It should be possible to use analog pin 6 as input and digital pin 6 as PWM output at the same time, right? Do I need to make the digital output pin more explicit somehow?
The project uses a nano - I assume you have the same.
The nano supports PWM out on D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11
From your description I'd be surprised if its not - partly at least - a hardware fault.
I'd suggest you make a simpler version of your sketch that JUST reads the analog inputs and prints the raw values to the serial monitor.
Meanwhile - you may WISH to post a schematic (always useful) - and your code in code tags.
Thanks for the info, Dlloyd. Much appreciated. Oh dear. I really feared that I might have to resolder the thing. Nothing else for it I guess, if it has to be 9 and 10.
Hi John, as it turned out, a simple sketch confirmed the inputs were wired correctly. Weirdly, it seems it was trying to use D6 with the timer that was messing up A6/A7.
Update: And then again, maybe not. The problem has returned. Hardware issue is in play again.
Final update: Turned out to be a bug in the code from the project website! I'll be letting the original author know. Details in my follow up comment.
Hi Dlloyd! With a bit of surgical snipping and jumpering I was able to rewire the output stage from D6 to D10 as per the original design, and the problem on A6/A7 went away. You were right on the money. Thank you so much!
Update: The problem has returned, even after rewiring to use pin 10. Something else is going on...will keep tweaking.
Final update: Turned out to be a bug in the code from the project website! I'll be letting the original author know. Details in my follow up comment.
Turned out to be a bug in the code from the project website. The second CV channel was using con1 instead of con2, so both calculations were being affected bu the pot controlling con1:
//----------------------CV output buffer CH1-------------------------
if (count1 == 1) {//attack
if (atk1 <= 32) {//Minimize atk time
i = 128;
count1 = 2;
out1 = (pgm_read_byte(&(curve[con1][i])));//store output voltage value
if (timer1 + atk1 <= micros()) {
timer1 = micros();
else if (count1 == 2) {//release
out1 = 255 - (pgm_read_byte(&(curve[con1][i - 128])));//store output voltage value
if (timer1 + rel1 <= micros()) {
timer1 = micros();
//----------------------CV output buffer CH2-------------------------
if (count2 == 1) {//attack
if (atk2 <= 32) {//Minimize atk time
j = 128;
count2 = 2;
out2 = (pgm_read_byte(&(curve[con2][j])));//store output voltage value
if (timer2 + atk2 <= micros()) {
timer2 = micros();
else if (count2 == 2) {//release
out2 = 255 - (pgm_read_byte(&(curve[con1][j - 128])));//store output voltage value
if (timer2 + rel2 <= micros()) {
timer2 = micros();
If you use "pinMode(A7, INPUT);" on a Nano you will be changing the pinMode() of Pin 9.
Since A6 and A7 don't have associated digital I/O hardware the lookup tables for pinMode() don't go beyond A5 (Pin 19). By indexing off the end of the table it gets told that Pin 21 is on "PORTB". It then changes the Data Direction Register for PORTB bit 1 (Pin 9).