Creation of a Routine with a Button that triggers relays and 2 stepper motors. Arduino (UNO)

How can you have 2 steppers on the same pins but controlled independently?

To count button presses consult the state change detection tutorial and my, companion tutorial, state change detection for active low inputs.

It would be easier to structure your program using a finite state machine.

For controlling stepper motors I like the MobaTools stepper library. Unlike the Stepper library the Mobatools movement functions do not block and the movement functions use acceleration enabling higher speeds. The MobaTools library is available for install via the IDE library manager.

To do timing, do not use the blocking delay() function. Use millis() or micros() to do timing ala the blink without delay example.
Some non-blocking timing tutorials:
Blink without delay().
Blink without delay detailed explanation
Beginner's guide to millis().
Several things at a time.

If you have written code that you want help with post the code. Read the forum guidelines to see how to properly post code and some good information on making a good post.
Use the IDE autoformat tool (ctrl-t or Tools, Auto format) before posting code in code tags.

It would help if you could post a schematic or wiring diagram if you have one. Written descriptions are always more ambiguous than a drawing. Hand drawn, photographed and posted is fine. Include all pin names/numbers, components, their part numbers and/or values and power supplies.