Current Spike

Dear all,

I got this situation:

i got arduino connected with DFplayer "Mp3 player" which also connected to an amplifire "PAM8403 ".
attached is conenction diagram.

when the system is running using USB as power supply it works perfectly.

when using 9v battery, it runs for seconds then shuts down.
i think the mp3 module draws massive current that the arduino cant provide which leads to restarting of the arduino.

any ideas how to control this current spike or what to do ?!

Because it works using USB power, the problem is unlikely to be an Arduino that cannot supply enough current, although I probably would have written that using current from some Arduinos is a poor plan.

The issue is more likely to be getting insufficient current from the 9 volt battery.

Questions: What Arduino are you using? What 9 volt battery are you using? How are you connecting the battery?

If you are using a PP3 battery then they are useless for anything but smoak smoke monitors.

Because it works using USB power, the problem is unlikely to be an Arduino that cannot supply enough current, although I probably would have written that using current from some Arduinos is a poor plan.

The issue is more likely to be getting insufficient current from the 9 volt battery.

Questions: What Arduino are you using? What 9 volt battery are you using? How are you connecting the battery?

im using uno and pro-mini ... im using ordinary 9v battery

im using ordinary 9v battery

You mean one of these?

Then it will not be sufficent.

The PAM8403 amp chip is rated at 3W, so its going to pull a lot more current than a PP3 sized
9V battery can handle on sound peaks. A rough estimate might be 0.5W is the maximum you
can reliably expect from an PP3 powered audio amp.

A 9V 1A supply is probably the minimum you need for your setup to avoid risk of voltage
drop-outs, but some experimentation would be needed to be sure whats adequate, the rest of the
modules also take power and you'd need to look up the worst-case current drawn and add them all

A 9V 1A supply is probably the minimum you need...

Doubt that will work if you turn up the volume.
The PAM8403 needs to be powered with 5volt (6volt absolute max rating).
And an Uno's 5volt pin can't deliver the current needed (could be >1Amp peak if 4ohm speakers are used).

attached is connection diagram.

No it isn't!
A montage of random photos - no connections indicated at all! :astonished:

Ergo useless for determining what is the problem.