Custom board check

I started designining essentially a stripped arduino. This is what I've designed until now. Are there any issues or is there something missing?
Thank you for the help in advance.

BOARD2.pdf (45.4 KB)
Added decoupling capacitors.

Off the top of my head, you need decoupling capacitors on the supply lines.

If you are using the 32pin device with ADC channels 6 & 7, then I would route them to your analogue pins header. ADC6 & ADC7 can only be analogue inputs, so use them and free up a couple of the Port C pins for other uses - maybe PC4 & PC5 for an I2C bus.

I guess that you have understood that without an FTDI header and an installed bootloader, that you will be using an ISP type programmer to upload sketches (which could be another arduino, suitably configured).

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Added decoupling capactors.

My computer science smooth brain cannot comprehend this. :sweat_smile:

He's simply saying that it would be a good idea to break out A6 and A7 as well. (I agree).
Incidentally, be careful with the part number of the MCU. ATmega328P-AU is standard (note the "P") and its signature is recognised by the oficial Arduino core.

Always wire an LED to some pin which you can pulse for testing. The accepted default pin is pin 13 - PB5.

And you do need to add the 100nf decoupling caps.

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