I'm looking for guidance on building an arduino-controlled heating element. I like to have a rotary encoder switch control the over heat delivered to the device.
Because heating is such a power drain, I'd like to connect the device directly to the power source, but run it through a relay that is controlled by the Arduino. I've attached the design below.
How can I use AC outlet and manage via Relay? Please give me the brief overview of mindset there.
What precautions should I take?
Heating Element Design
My plan is to take a nichrome rod, (or any other high resistance rod), and wrap it in nichrome coil. I'd then like to encase this rod/coil in a cover. When plugged in, The coil will heat up, thus heating the whole unit.
Is there a simpler approach? ie, connecting the rod directly to power? I could just build an encasing around that.
Is nichrome the right choice?
Are there any pre-made materials that look like this? I need it to get red hot.
Thanks in advance for any help. You guys always give me a great project perspective.
My plan is to take a nichrome rod, (or any other high resistance rod), and wrap it in nichrome coil. I'd then like to encase this rod/coil in a cover.
Nickel-Chromium Steel (Nichrome) is conductive. The wire has a (relatively) high resistance only because it has a small cross-section. A Nichrome rod will be a good conductor and any bare wire wrapped around it will be shorted. You will need to use an insulating rod (ceramic, glass, etc) to keep from shorting out your heating wire.
Are you heating a liquid, solid, gas? What temperature are you trying to reach?
There are commercial heating elements for most applications so it might be safer to get a heating element designed for the purpose.
More engineering seems to be required. How do you intend to mount or support your device? How are you going to control the electromagnet you are designing? How are you going to handle the expansion/contraction of your device when it's in use?
Why you have designed the mechanical configuration of your system as a heater platform on a rod?
If you really need the rod, you could drill it out and place a cartridge heater inside the rod. If you are just trying to get heat to a platform, you could use a surface mount heater pad.
What temperatures are involved? What is the physical size of the heating platform?
too little information. what are you trying to heat ? there are lots and lots of heaters on the market and you can control almost any of them with an Arduino.