Dc motor

Is there a positive and negative side of dc motor.
if yes how do we identify

In general connecting one way causes the motor to rotate clockwise and connecting the other way causes the motor to rotate counter-clockwise.

Some motors have the brushes positioned so that the motor works better in one direction than the other. I would expect the contacts on those motors to have a red or + mark to identify the positive terminal.

The proper thing to do is consult the manufacturer's datasheet for the motor - but that info may only be available for the more expensive motors.


as for my project everything seems to go well except that at last motors do not work

As already said connecting a DC motor the wrong way round will simply make it spin in the opposite direction. If it isn't turning at all you have another problem. Possibly with your code or your components or your wiring or how you're powering everything.

I don't know which because you've provided no information at all about any of those things.


thanks for help
will sure do check the components , code , schematic again
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :o