What is the use of the 'DEFAULT' Keyword in Arduino as against the 'default' used in switch case? Can someone give a usage example?
Where do you see that?
Speaking of which, it says INTERNAL1V1 is only available on Arduino Mega; would that happen to include Mega2560? I suppose I could just get off my lazy butt and test it....
Speaking of which, it says INTERNAL1V1 is only available on Arduino Mega; would that happen to include Mega2560? I suppose I could just get off my lazy butt and test it....
The 1280/2560 are the same core devices with different memory capacities.
So yes, both have the 1.1 and 2.56, which can be confirmed by looking at the ADMUX register in the data sheet.
@nick Thanks a lot... all searches were resulting in the 'default' for switch...
I think it means "I don't Know"...