Delete char in string

Im using the String lib. Im trying to delete the last character in the string.

using inString.append a can add a char to the string then the command inString.length() shows me the current length of it. I don't know if the left() command is in this lib or not. The combo of this will get me where i need to be i believe.

lol this doesnt work: inString.length() = inString.length() - 1

what is the delete last char command pls.


inString.setCharAt(inString.length() - 1, '\0');


inString = inString.substring(0, inString.length() - 1);

cool. funny how after i see it it seemed so simple. i tried the first one but with and empty char. makes sense to use the terminating char there.

2nd answer was right infront of my face and i kept looking over it....


i tried the first one but with and empty char

You've probably already found out that there is no empty char!

I think the second solution is the more correct here.
The first is how I'd do it in 'C', but may upset the String class.

yeah the empty char def error on me.

hmm another ? ill start a new thread though.

thanks again