Designproject with Arduino + RFID+reader

Good Morning,

i am new in here and i have some questions about Arduino combined with rfid.
At first i tell you something about my Product.
I am creating some Toys for blind-born children which help them to get in touch with the form of everydays objects, like cars, animals and buildings.
By touching the shape of it they get known with the form and afterwards
i want to connect this obeject with a RFID CHip so that when they put the , for example, wooden car combined with RFID on a reader, out of my computer boxes there comes out the sound of the car so that they can associate it.
I hope you understood what i am talking about.
So now i looked everywhere for arduino+RFID and the reader for RFID but i did not find it.
Can you help me?
Can you say me where i can buy it and maybe who can build it for me?Thanks for your help

Greetings from Bolzano,


This seems to be a good source for RFID in general, and Arduino+RFID in particular:

Can you be in Berlin this week from Bolzano?

Hi Johann,
Welcome aboard and amazing project... I did work with a few rfid readers a cpl of months back. These were chinese ones but they did real good. The ones i used had an rs232 port and i used serial communication to communicate with it. It was a one way communication. Like the reader would throw up the rfid tags id number. Now this was a 13 digit number and had to be read digit by digit( You can then connect the arduino to your computers serial port and with some python(or other language) programming get to play the desired music. I can send you some of the coding i used. Anyways good luck and keep us posted on how it comes. :slight_smile:
