DFPlayer Mini doesn't work

Hello, I'm trying to make my DFPlayer Mini play a sound that I called 001.mp3. I connected it to Arduino Uno but after uploading a sketch, light turns on for a second and turns off and nothing else happens. I got RX connected to 10 pin and TX connected to 11 pin, GND to GND, VCC to 5V and SPK1 to minus and SPK2 to plus.

Since the Uno is a 5V board and the DFPlayer serial is 3.3V, a 1K resistor between the Uno's transmitting pin and RX on the DFPlayer is a good idea.

If you momentarily ground pin 11 on the DFPlayer, does your file play?

I put 1k ohm resistor in there but it didn't change anything sadly

I'm using this code:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h>

#define TX 11
#define RX 10

SoftwareSerial mySerial(RX, TX); 

DFRobotDFPlayerMini myDFPlayer; 

void setup() {

  if (!myDFPlayer.begin(mySerial)) { 
    Serial.println(F("Nie można znaleźć modułu DFPlayer Mini!"));
    while (true);

void loop() {

If you momentarily ground pin 11 on the DFPlayer, does your file play?

It only shoots like p, p, p.. with little bass and then nothing. I changed the resistor from pin 10 to 11. But I found out that it was making these sounds when connected to 11 and 12 pin not 10. Idk whats happenin right now :frowning:

You know, when i put the RX as 11 and TX as 12 then nothing should happen but the light turns on then but when RX is 10 and TX is 11 then nothing happens.

Have you tried the DFPlayerMini in stand-alone mode (no arduino required, just VCC, GND, 3WSPKR+, 3WSPKR- and grounding IO1 or IO2).

(do not use S1, S2, S3, S4 - just use a jumper wire from ground to IO1 or IO2)

I'm new so I don't know what is actually IO1/IO2 and ADKEY1/ADKEY2. I didn't do that either

OK. I tried it but nothing happened

What files do you have on your SD card? (the filename does not matter)

Only 001.mp3

no hidden files ?

I formatted it before putting the audio in there. It was formated to FAT32


if the buttons as described in post 8 do not work then there is some issue somewhere and it's not related to the code

might be the mp3 format as well - What is the sampling rate?

Your speaker needs to be less than 3W

The speaker is 3W exacly

It is a file problem.

  • SD is formatted fa16 (maybe fat32 - check official SD formatter)?
  • File is 128kbps mp3?
  • Filename is 8.3? (yes 001.mp3)

file is formated 32kb mp3. FAT32 and file name is 001.mp3

If all your responses are factual, your speakers are not working.

ok. Thanks