DFRduino Romeo or Arduino Uno+Arduino motor shield to control DC motors


I'm a newbie in the Arduino's world and i need your help for starting my internship.

I have to control two 12V DC motors with an arduino card.
My first choice was to use the dfrduino romeo rev3 that have an integrated motor controller.
But even if this card can permit me to control my 2 motors by using PWM outputs, it cannot allow me to read the current consumed in real time.

That's why i think about a 2nd possibility which consist in using an arduino uno coupled with an arduino motor shield.

Do you think that is a good idea?
Is the motor shield able to power two 12V DC motors?
Please help me and give me an idea of what i should better use to advance.

Thank you

I suggest you check the "Zartronic Support to help you with their product". If you choose to use the ARDUINO products which HELP to SUPPORT this forum, we'll need to know a basic fact. What is the current draw on the 2 12 volt motors? That is key to making any kind of recommendation.