I coming back on the DFU-port not working for Arduino Uno and Arduino Uno R4 minima (to be sure that there is no problem with one of the Arduino device). The message is the following:
“No DFU capable USB device available - Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 74”
I tried th e command “cd "${Env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\renesas_uno\1.0.4"; & ".\post_install.bat"”.
It makes the DFU 4 installation, so it’s great but nothing changes on the DFU. Nothing appearing in the device manager, like explained in the forum.
I have the same problem on Windows 11 and Windows 10, two different PC - they both are up to date.
It was working before but I didn’t used the Arduino for 2 weeks and now it’s not working. So my interesting project which was working is going south.
I used two different Arduino (Arduino Uno and Arduino uno R4 minima), on both it’s the same problem. They have different USB cable. And I tried on 2 different Windows PC. So all the basic have been eliminated.
I tried on a 3rd Windows PC without any Arduino IDE previously installed. At first the Arduino uno was reachable on the com port. To use the Arduino uno R4 minima I had to add the Arduino uno R4 minima software package. It reinstalled the DFU-port.
And then both of them was not working.
I seems to be problem with the driver on Windows. I think a security one.
I removed all the boards in “board’s manager” and reinstalled only “Arduino uno R4 minima”. The status is:
Serial port on Arduino Uno is seen as connected on the IDE, but when I upload a simple sketch “No DFU capable USB device available Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 74”
Serial port on Arduino uno R4 minima is not working on the IDE. May be the “Arduino uno R4 minima” is not working any more.
Yes, the LED pulsate. However, when I try to upload a sketch I always get “No DFU capable USB device available Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 74”. The port is unavailable. Not simple!
Summarizing how I solved the problem.
The problem in my case started when I loaded a sketch that used the serial port. After loading that sketch, the USB driver no longer loaded.
To solve it:
First press the reset button twice. In this way, from the Arduino IDE you can now find the Arduino R4 Minima attached to a DFU port.
Load an LED blink sketch that does NOT use the serial port.
After loading that sketch it should now load the Arduino Minima as a serial port.
Check with the device manager if the port created has any problem, in which case solve the problem by updating the driver, you may have to select between two drivers, do not choose the one called Santiago.
@javagoza I am so glad I've found your workaround! Though in my case it seems nothing to do with using Serial in sketch. Even if I completely remove it, I still get my R4 Minima Serial port disappear as soon as I start uploading sketch.
I am using Mac OS with Arduino IDE 2.2.1, and running ls /dev/tty.* and ls /dev/cu.* in Terminal doesn't list Serial port of my board. IDE, of course, doesn't see it either. Only after I upload standard Blink sketch through DFU mode after double reset, the port is visible again. But disappears as soon as I try to upload sketch I've been working on.
UPD: In my case it was error in sketch (I was trying to dereference nullptr pointer).
FWIW I have been pulling my hair out with this problem recently.
After a lot of basic trouble shooting, changing cables, plugging into different USB ports on the computer etc and the above useful discussion I "think" I have fixed it for my situation.
Here are my notes in case they can help someone:
Port problems with uploading Arduino sketches to UNO 4 etc
Disconnect UNO R4
Reboot computer
Connect battery power to UNO R4 [avoiding any computer port issues].
Double click the reset button [LED “L” pulsates to indicate this state].
Open Arduino IDE
Open the BLINK example.
Connect UNO R4 to computer with USB-C cable.
Under Tools\Board choose UNO R4
Under Tools\Ports choose “1-4 (Arduino UNO R4 Minima)”. [The top line in the menu will say “dfu ports”]. The IDE will say “Arduino UNO R4 Minima on 1-4” in the green area at the bottom of the screen.
Upload BLINK example [because it doesn’t have any Serial.print commands] and see the LED blinking. The IDE will now say “Arduino UNO R4 Minima on COM6” in the green area at the bottom of the screen and the Tools\Port now shows COM6.
I was able to successfully upload it several times, changing the blink delay times and seeing it change.
DFU-RT Port now shows in the Device Manager\Universal Serial Bus devices [there was some discussion about NOT using the Santiago one].
[COM6 is what my computer was choosing, yours could be COM8 etc.]
Hi all,
No chance to download.
I am running Arduino IDE Appimage on ubuntu 18.04
Following step by step, I am not able to choose the port while the Arduino is in DFU mode, non port available.
Of course, upload failed immediately.
As soon as I reset the board, the port is available, however I catch also the error.
I read Javagoza on element14 forum but was not able to find out the trick to apply on my computer.
Any idea ?
I know I am bit late with the topic, but I just struggled with it. While searching, I saw a lot of people write that the method of resetting by double clicking did not work. For me, it was because I did not press it fast enough. So not its not "tap tap" but rather "taptap"