Digistump Digispark no longer available?

Thanks for this thread. I used

in preferences and installed the ATTiny Core.
Chose Board ATtiny85 (Micronucleus / Digispark)
Created a little Hello World blink sketch

Uploading fails with

Der Sketch verwendet 758 Bytes (11%) des Programmspeicherplatzes. Das Maximum sind 6586 Bytes.
Globale Variablen verwenden 6 Bytes (1%) des dynamischen Speichers, 506 Bytes für lokale Variablen verbleiben. Das Maximum sind 512 Bytes.
C:\Users\Micha\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\ATTinyCore\tools\micronucleus\2.5-azd1b/micronucleus --no-ansi --run --timeout 60 C:\Users\Micha\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_463365/digisparkTest_0.ino.hex 
> Please plug in the device (will time out in 60 seconds) ... 
> Device search timed out!

Of course I plugged in the small digispark only when told so.

I assumed a missing driver, downloaded as described
Digistump.Drivers.zip (1.6 MB) , extracted the folder Digistump Drivers and ran Install Drivers.exe on my win11

This seems to have worked, showed at least no errors.
However, the

> Please plug in the device (will time out in 60 seconds) ... 
> Device search timed out!

still behaved the same.

When I plug in the digistump, I notice a new USB device ! ( palim sound, showing up in device manager at USB-Controller a yellow triangle "Unbekanntes USB-Gerät (Fehler beim Anfordern einer Gerätebeschreibung)

There's still a Microsoft Driver assigned to it
How to manually update it to which of the Digistump Drivers ?

The power led is lit immediately when plugged into a USB port, nothing else ...