Digistump AVR boards not available in Arduino IDE 2.2.1

I am making an educational purpose project using ATTINY 85. For its compatibility , IDE needs to have Digistump AVR board manager package. But when trying to install it using board manager, it seems there is no package available in the Arduino. When digging upon the resources from website and Youtube , it seems it is available to install . But in my ide it doesn't show . Help me :smiling_face_with_tear:

Blockquote I am using the latest version of Arduino IDE 2.2.1. And also added additional board manager preference.

I'm with an older version Arduino IDE but I guess the principle is the same - you need to add http://digistump.com/package_digistump_index.json to Additional Board Manager URL.

Topic moved to dedicated IDE 2.x section of the forum.

I made this step already. But the problem arise after when trying to install digistump board but no package is shown.

Blockquote The URL you provided is not working one. Kindly check that url works, as it is really opens the json file from the hosted server.

I am using this alternate URL which I found working :

1. Are you using the following Digispark ATtiny85 Board (Fig-1)?

2. Install ATTinyCore (http://drazzy.com/package_drazzy.com_index.json) which supports Digispark.

3. Follow this tutorial to install the Windows Driver for this USB Device (https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Setup-DigiSprak-Attiny85-Board/).

4. And then Follow Arduino IDE Menu.

5. Mine one works very well.

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Thanks for making a reply. Yes, That's the board I'm using. But my problem is in downloading the digistump avr boards manager as There is no boards found in my Boards manager after adding the additional board manager url.

Can you provide me the post link please!!

You found it, else you could not reply :wink:

Dedicated IDE 2.x section: IDE 2.x - Arduino Forum

  1. Open IDE.

  2. Enter the link of Step-2 of post #5 in the IDE---> File ----> Prefernces ---> URLs's Box and then click on OK Box.

  3. IDE----> Tools ----> Board: ----> Boards Managers... . A window will appear and when it is ready to take input, enter/type ATTinyCore. You will see the Core and then install it.

Still didn't got :smiling_face_with_tear:

And when I use the URL in the given steps, I only receives the error for every time which is :

Some indexes could not be updated. Get "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digistump/arduino-boards-index/master/package_digistump_index.json": dial tcp [2405:200:1607:2820:41::36]:443: connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digistump/arduino-boards-index/master/package_digistump_index.json

Enter the following text in the URL Box of the bottom window and them click on OK button.

Hi @arunjothi. Unfortunately it is a bit tricky to install the excellent ATTinyCore boards platform currently. The reason you didn't find it in Boards Manager after adding it to your IDE preferences is due to a bug in Arduino IDE.

I'll provide instructions you can follow for a workaround to the bug:

  1. Select File > Quit from the Arduino IDE menus if it is running.
  2. Open the following folder in your file manager program (e.g., Windows File Explorer):
    • If you are using Linux:
      (Where <username> is your Linux username)
      :exclamation: The .arduino15 folder may be hidden by default in your file manager and terminal.
    • If you are using macOS:
      (Where <username> is your macOS username)
      :exclamation: The Library folder is hidden by default. You can make it visible by pressing the Command+Shift+. keyboard shortcut.
  • If you are using Windows:
    (Where <username> is your Windows username)
    :exclamation: If looking for it with your file manager or command line, note that the <!-- TODO: path --> folder is hidden by default. On Windows "File Explorer", you can make it visible by opening the "View" menu, then checking the box next to "☐ Hidden items".
  1. You will see a file named package_drazzy.json in that folder. Rename it to package_drazzy.com_index.json.

Now start Arduino IDE again. You should now see ATTinyCore (as well as the other SpenceKonde/DrAzzy) platforms listed in Boards Manager.

Now when you attempt to install ATTinyCore via Boards Manager, you will encounter another error, something like this:

Failed to install platform: 'ATTinyCore:avr:1.5.0'.
Error: 2 UNKNOWN: Get "https://azduino.com/bin/micronucleus/micronucleus-cli-2.5-azd1-x86_64-mingw32.tar.bz2 4": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid:

That error is caused by the author of ATTinyCore having forgotten to renew the SSL certificate on their website azduino.com. In order to overcome that problem, it is necessary to perform yet another workaround, according to these instructions:

1. Download the ATTinyCore:micronucleus@2.5-azd1b Archive File

Unfortunately you will likely find that attempting to download this file via the browser is not very user friendly. For security reasons, the browser will try to strongly discourage from downloading it and you will have to make some efforts to overcome its resistance.

This is the download URL:

If you are using Windows:


If you are using Linux x86:


If you are using Linux ARM:


If you are using macOS:


2. Add the Downloaded File to the Boards Manager Cache

After you manage to download the file, copy it to the following folder:

If you are using Windows:


(Where <username> is your Windows username)

If you are using Linux:


(Where <username> is your Linux username)

If you are using macOS:


(Where <username> is your macOS username)

3. Install ATTinyCore

Now try installing ATTinyCore as usual via the Arduino IDE Boards Manager again. The installation should now be successful.

After that, you will be able to use your Digispark board with Arduino IDE. There is some more information about that in the ATTinyCore documentation here.

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Hurray :clap: It really helped!! Thank you @ptillisch for your valuable support :grin:

You are welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance.


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One more thing after all set, while trying to download keyboard package , there are only packages available for azerty & belgian azerty layout keyboards. What package is available for QWERTY layout keyboard systems??

Unfortunately I don't have any experience working with the Digispark boards or V-USB in general.

Since it is unrelated to the original subject of this topic, my recommendation is for you to open a new forum topic for that question. This will ensure it gets the attention of the forum helpers knowledgeable about the subject of your new question.

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Pleasure anyways @ptillisch :wink:

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