my digital pin 4 only output 1V when i send digitalWrite(4, HIGH)...
my board is a 5V board.
i measure it against the board's ground...
any idea why?
my digital pin 4 only output 1V when i send digitalWrite(4, HIGH)...
my board is a 5V board.
i measure it against the board's ground...
any idea why?
have you set that pin as an output using pinMode(4, OUTPUT)?
If not, you are measuring the 5V through the 20K internal pull-up resistor -
From that page:
Note that the pullup resistors provide enough current to dimly light an LED connected to a pin that has been configured as an input. If LED's in a project seem to be working, but very dimly, this is likely what is going on, and the programmer has forgotten to use pinMode() to set the pins to outputs.
I've found the culprit...
newbie mistake, a stupid one. my bad.
i added a diode after pin4, which meant to protect from reverse voltage, not expecting voltage drop as much as close to 4V.
I've read the article, and i didn't know that too. now i do.
thank you very much...